If you are looking for a positive spin to the so called "bailout bill", here it is. Inserted into the legislation was an 8 year extension of the renewable energy tax credit and.....ready?......a removal of the $2,000 cap on the residential tax credit for photovoltaic systems. This means that when you invest in a (PV) solar energy system for your home, the feds give you a 30% (of total system cost) tax credit at the end of the year. For Seattle, this means you are 10years closer to financial payback. This credit is good for both solar electric (
PV) and solar water heating systems.
Here is a direct link to the legislation so you can read up on it. Type "solar" into the "find" box in order to make your research easier.
Solar Epiphany is now doing site surveys and
pre-installation work for 09'. Feel free to give us a call!